Novel Theology: The Sword by Dr. Bryan Litfin

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The Sword: A Novel by Dr. Bryan Litfin

A well-crafted story offers the reader a personal existential investigation.

While I am an avid reader, I find most pages I turn to be filled with facts, dates, concepts, and footnotes. This week was different. Instead of studying a new concept, researching history, or wrestling with philosophical theory, I found myself in the enchanted realm of the Chiveis Kingdom.

Dr. Bryan Litfin’s Chiveis trilogy begins with The Sword. The Amazon page for The Sword summarizes the book this way:

"If a society had no knowledge of Christianity, and then a Bible were discovered, what would happen?" Four hundred years after a deadly virus and nuclear war destroyed the modern world, a new and noble civilization emerges. In this kingdom, called Chiveis, snow-capped mountains provide protection, and fields and livestock provide food. The people live medieval-style lives, with almost no knowledge of the "ancient" world. Safe in their natural stronghold, the Chiveisi have everything they need, even their own religion. Christianity has been forgotten--until a young army scout comes across a strange book. With that discovery, this work of speculative fiction takes readers on a journey that encompasses adventure, romance, and the revelation of the one true God”

The Sword, published in 2010, is not your typical Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Maze Runner, or other teenage moral dilemma provoking novel series starters. This novel is written like C. S. Lewis’ Narnia series before it, to bring the reader into a world of wonder while clearly communicating Christian theology. However, unlike Lewis, there is no magic wardroom, nor talking beavers. Even though the Kingdom of Chiveis does have an evil High Priestess, The Sword differs from Lewis type novels in that it is set in the future of our real world.

I recommend this book with a 4 ½ stars for three reasons with one caution:  

1.    Actually Entertaining

I have read Christian novels and watched Christian movies that have left me utterly disappointed and slightly embarrassed.

This is NOT that kind of book!

When you start flipping pages, you will want to flip more. Dr. Litfin brings it! Adventure, sword fights, arrows, near death experiences, romance, betrayal, murder, guilt, remorse, evil priestesses, bar fights, court jesters, mountaineering, and so much more!

Excellent stories cannot help but draw out your imagination. You will find yourself lost in the adventures of Tao and Ana, imagining dodging the evil men of the Beyond or trying to infiltrate the forbidden temples of Astrebril. The book is engaging, entertaining, but most of all, thought provoking.

2.    Thought Provoking

Dr. Litfin is not only a literary craftsman, but an accomplished intellectual. After receiving his PhD from the University of Virgina, Dr. Litfin taught for 16 years at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and is now an acquisition editor at Moody Publishers. He has written six books and is releasing the first of his next trilogy in October of this year.

The Sword incorporates his vast intellectual and ministry experience into his love for history and knowledge of ancient customs. Dr. Litfin highlights a variety of human perspectives on philosophy and religion through the diverse characters he introduces. There are those who represent enlightenment thinking, dutiful religiosity, agnosticism, atheism, hedonism, individualism, and moralism.

Dr. Litfin weaves these presuppositional categories into how the characters encounter and respond to the one true God. This is accomplished with skillful and enjoyable composing. You will wrestle, along with the characters, with your own theological questions as you flip through the pages.

3.    Biblically Faithful

To write an engaging novel that provokes personal theological thinking is complicated. How do you stay faithful to your story while accurately representing the Bible?

Dr. Litfin navigates this line with dexterity. Like Tao’s archery abilities (this is one of the main characters), Dr. Litfin possesses literary precision in grafting in weighty theological concepts into the lives of the Chiveisi. He manages to weave the doctrine of God, soteriology, human depravity, demonology, prayer, and the infallibility of scripture seamlessly into the story line.

If you read this book, you will grow in your understanding and be challenged in your thinking. It doesn’t matter if you have been a believer your whole life, just started following Jesus, or are just trying to figure out what Christians believe, you will enjoy and learn from this book. And like me, you will buy book 2, The Gift.

My one caution:

1.    Christianeese

For those who are seeking to know more about Christianity and do not yet believe in Jesus, I have one caution. The book does use some “Christianeese” terminology and literary analogies. While few, you may find yourself wondering how someone could be brought to tears from reading a Psalm, pray in specific language, or find forgiveness in such startling and immediate ways.

But in sense, I am guessing that is the whole point! And I have a feeling book 2 will help us understand these “Christianeese” references and terms. Going to have to get reading to find out!

So, go ahead and pick it up! And once you do be prepared, you won’t be putting it down anytime soon.

Find out more about Dr. Litfin at

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