Posts in Discipleship
Hearers & Doers: A Pastor's Guide for Making Disciples

Evangelical Christians worldwide define this little word by primarily using the same words. Regardless of denomination, I have found that most define the word disciple with its lexical meaning of follower, learner, student, or pupil of a teacher or master. So, what is the big deal? Why are there so many evangelicals writing about this tiny little word that most Christians define with the same words?

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You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving the Church

Jesus demonstrated love by engaging with and listening to the lost. Christians love to run to the cross, saying, "Jesus died for sinners." It is true, Jesus' love culminates in his life-giving death on the cross and resurrection from the dead that solidifies the possibility of a new life and the secured hope of a future resurrection and life with him. But he didn't just die for sinners.

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Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship

The evangelical church is thirsting for true discipleship. This is evident from not only the many sermons, lectures, articles, blogs, and social media posts written in the years following 2000, but also the conglomeration of recent publications surrounding discipleship. Clearly, evangelicals have recognized a need to go beyond mere emotional attractions to gain converts for Christ, but actually “teaching them to observe all that” Christ has commanded.

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