Posts in Christian Mission
In, But Not Of: A Guide to Christian Ambition and a Desire to Influence the World

Should a Christian seek power and influence in the world? Or is it wrong for humble Christian men and women to desire, plan, strategize, and passionately pursue powerful roles in society, culture, and government? Is ambition for social and political recognition to gain the ability to direct policy that shapes tomorrow wrong?

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Leadership: Transformational and Transactional Leadership

“The crisis of leadership today is the mediocrity or irresponsibility of so many of the men and women in power, but leadership rarely rises to the full need for it” (1).

Burns wrote those words 43 years. Years later, we have leadership books on every shelf, workshops in-person and online, retreats and executive getaways, coaches and coaching organizations. Yet, somehow, we still feel the irritation of mediocrity.

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Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream

Since today in New Years' (I am writing this at 12:41am PST), I thought I’d revisit one of my go-to motivational and direction shaping books from David Platt called Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream.

The problem is simple. American Christians are settling for a Christianity that caters to our own comforts when the Christian message continually talks about abandoning ourselves.

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Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship

The evangelical church is thirsting for true discipleship. This is evident from not only the many sermons, lectures, articles, blogs, and social media posts written in the years following 2000, but also the conglomeration of recent publications surrounding discipleship. Clearly, evangelicals have recognized a need to go beyond mere emotional attractions to gain converts for Christ, but actually “teaching them to observe all that” Christ has commanded.

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The Post-Quarantine Church by Thom Rainer

I remember the first Sunday morning in March when I sat down with my wife and three daughters and “went to church” in our living room. I remember thinking, “this is wrong.”

For the first time in the history of the United States of America, churches all closed their doors. Instead, congregations scrambled to utilize digital technology to conduct virtual worship services, that were foreign at first, and now the new normal. What will the post-quarantine or post-COVID American church look like?

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The Christian Man - Who is he?

“No man fails on purpose. Quite the opposite. When our feet hit the floor every morning, we’re looking for a win.”

Patrick Morley wrote The Christian Man: A Conversation About the 10 Issues Men Say Matter Most, to address the overwhelming feeling of failure many Christian men feel as they attempt to live out biblical manhood.

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