Posts in Leadership
The Death of Death: A review of John Owen's perspective on the Atonement

John Owen came from Welsh descent, was educated at Queens College, and became a renowned Puritan theologian, Oxford professor, and passionate pastor who lived from 1616 to 1683. In 1647, he wrote the exhaustive treatise The Death of Death defending Limited or Definite Atonement against the Arminian view of Universal Atonement or Unlimited Atonement.

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Fusion: Exploring Biblical Ecclesiology and How to Connect Guests (Part I)

I started reading Fusion to help think through the church’s responsibility toward guests and how to execute that responsibility faithfully. Like many of you, I have been to churches that greet newcomers obnoxiously, and then others where I have wondered if anyone even noticed I was present. Certainly, there is a biblically faithful practice somewhere between seeker-sensitive and religious exclusive that is rooted in orthodox ecclesiology. Unfortunately, this logic appears absent in Fusion.

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Transforming Leadership by James Burns

How does the moral leader create transformation in an increasingly morally subjective and diverse world with technology advancing exponentially? Burns contends leaders must learn from the transformational leaders of history. The latter attempted to capitalize on the needs of the people to evoke lasting transformational change.

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In, But Not Of: A Guide to Christian Ambition and a Desire to Influence the World

Should a Christian seek power and influence in the world? Or is it wrong for humble Christian men and women to desire, plan, strategize, and passionately pursue powerful roles in society, culture, and government? Is ambition for social and political recognition to gain the ability to direct policy that shapes tomorrow wrong?

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Leadership: Transformational and Transactional Leadership

“The crisis of leadership today is the mediocrity or irresponsibility of so many of the men and women in power, but leadership rarely rises to the full need for it” (1).

Burns wrote those words 43 years. Years later, we have leadership books on every shelf, workshops in-person and online, retreats and executive getaways, coaches and coaching organizations. Yet, somehow, we still feel the irritation of mediocrity.

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Leadership Lessons from Legacy

It is week 28 of 52 in the Tim Challies 2020 reading challenge, and the task was to read a book with a person on the cover. James Kerr's Legacy has a picture of an All Black carrying the footie (ball) and so it meets the criteria! In this extremely readable book, Kerr identifies 15 lessons in leadership from the All Blacks legacy.

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